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Add or Update a Transfer on Death Beneficiary
For regular taxable accounts the type of beneficiary that you can list is referred to as a Transfer on Death (TOD) or Paid on Death (POD) beneficiary. In the event something was to happen to the account owner(s), the TOD/POD may help that named individual avoid the probate process.
· All Beneficiary changes must be signed and sent in with the form below
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Add or Update beneficiaries on my taxable account
· Please complete and sign the Transfer on Death Designation Form online, or it can be printed, signed and mailed here.
· You will receive a confirmation once the form is received in good order to add beneficiaries, a confirmation is not generated when updating beneficiaries
· If this is a joint account, both owners need to sign (You cannot have an account owner name as a TOD/POD)
· If a trust will be designated as a beneficiary, we require a copy of the trust agreement
Before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Please call 800-304-7404 or visit http://www.mairsandpower.com for a prospectus or, if available, summary prospectus, containing this information. Read it carefully.
Mairs & Power Funds and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Each individual's tax and financial situation is unique. Individuals should consult their tax and/or legal advisor for advice and information concerning their particular situation.