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Gifting your Shares
Gifting shares is a change in ownership to give away control and transfer mutual fund shares directly to an individual, corporation, charity, not-for-profit, church, or other entities. The entity that is being gifted those shares must be aware of the gift and complete a new account application if they do not have an account. All current owners of the account must obtain Medallion Signature Guarantee Stamps.
· Account owners gifting their shares are losing control of the account, which requires them to obtain a Medallion Signature Guarantee Stamp
· To find out more about a Medallion Signature Guarantee and the financial institutions participating in the program click here
· All forms need to contain original signatures and be mailed to us at one of the mailing addresses provided on the forms
· This is only for non-IRA accounts to complete
The registration needs to be updated because…
Instructions and Forms I need
What else I need to know…
I want to gift my shares to an individual or charitable organization
· Account owners please complete the Change of Registration Form
· If the individual or charitable organization does not have a current account with us they must complete a New Account Application or New Entity Account Application
· All account owners or trustees must obtain a Medallion Signature Guarantee
· Gifting your shares does not generate a 1099-B and is not taxable
Before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Please call 800-304-7404 or visit http://www.mairsandpower.com for a prospectus or, if available, summary prospectus, containing this information. Read it carefully.
Mairs & Power Funds and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Each individual's tax and financial situation is unique. Individuals should consult their tax and/or legal advisor for advice and information concerning their particular situation.